You can view information on the host names Information about the hostname and ports of your Solution Manager can be viewed via transaction SICF by selecting the entry "Port Information" in from the "Goto" menu.
The endpoints can also be passed through the Connect application. The effective endpoints would then essentially look like thisthe following:
Path and query parameters are passed as query parameters when calling web services via the Connect application. The query parameters must always be passed in the Camel Case format. For example, if the path parameter "object_id" exists for an SAP endpoint, this must be passed as the query parameter "objectId" “objectId” via the Connect application.
The Using the Data endpoint allows , Change objects to can be read, updated, created, and status transitions to can be performed.
GET /data/objects/{object_id}
The GET /data/objects/{object_id} endpoint returns information about a change object using the object ID. Object ID means the ten-digit number of the object, for example, such as the change request ID or the document ID of a change document. The endpoint provides the following information in tabular form.
Name | Type | Description |
changedAt | Value | Date of last change |
changedBy | Value | Last changer |
configurationItem | Object | Configuration element and description |
createdAt | Value | Creation date |
createdBy | Value | InvestorsCreator |
customFields | Object | All values of the defined user-defined custom fields |
cycleInfo | Object | Data for on the assigned change cycle |
description | Value | Brief descriptionTitle |
dueDate | Value | Due date |
dueTimestamp | Value | Due date as UTC timestamp |
endDate | Value | Date of the desired end |
endTimestamp | Value | The desired end as UTC timestamp |
externalId | Value | Contains the value of the External ID for in case of a 1:1 assignment. |
externalIds | Array | Contains all assigned external External IDs |
externalIdsCount | Value | Number of assigned external External IDs |
impact | Value | The value contains the effect Impact of the change object. |
impactText | Value | Display text for impact. |
longtext | Value | Contains the description of the object. Since Change Request Management objects can contain several multiple texts, this field contains the text that was defined stored as the default in the addon's Customizing for the add-on for the corresponding transaction type.associated document type |
objectGuid | Value | Globally unique Unique ID for the object |
objectId | Value | Object ID of the object |
parentDescription | Value | Short description of the parent object, if a link exists. |
parentObjectGuid | Value | Globally unique Unique ID for the parent object, if it exists. |
parentObjectId | Value | Object ID of the parent object, if it exists. |
parentProcessType | Value | Document type of the parent object, if it exists. |
partner | Array | List with information of the assigned information including the number of the business partner number, the function of the partner's function, the business partner's name, and name of the business partner 's email address.and its e-mail address |
priority | Value | Priority of the object. |
priorityText | Value | Display text of the selected priority. |
processType | Value | The associated transaction type of the object.Documen type |
requests | Array | List of all assigned transport requests with a lot of detailed information. |
requestsAsString | Value | The transport request numbers as a single character string separated by line breaks. |
standardFields | Array | A list of standard fields filled with custom values. Which fields are used can be defined via the addon configuration.The configuration of the addon can be used to control which standard fields can be used |
startDate | Value | Date of the desired start. |
startTimestamp | Value | Date of the desired start as UTC timestamp. |
texts | Array | List of all object texts. |
urgency | Value | Urgency |
urgencyText | Value | Display text of the selected urgency. |
userStatus | Value | Current status |
userStatusProc | Value | Status profile scheme used. |
userStatusText | Value | Display text of the current status. |
userStatusFinal | Value | Flag ("X" = True, "" = False) indicating whether the current status can no longer be changed. |
Sample response for a request for an amendmentchange:
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "changedAt": "2021-02-18", "changedBy": "GALILEO", "configurationItem": { "productId": "7100000111", "textIbComp": "G00 0020168246 300" }, "createdAt": "2021-01-29", "createdBy": "GALILEO", "customFields": [ { "name": "CLIENT", "value": "100" }, { "name": "CUSTOMER_EXT", "value": "" }, { "name": "CUSTOMER_H_DUMMY", "value": "" }, { "name": "CUSTOMER_INT", "value": "" }, { "name": "GUID", "value": "00155DF935011EDB98C13B600E6760E0" }, { "name": "MODE", "value": "" }, { "name": "REF_GUID", "value": "00155DF935011EDB98C13B600E6760E0" }, { "name": "ZZEXTERNAL_ID", "value": "" }, { "name": "ZZEXTERNAL_REF", "value": "" }, { "name": "ZZGXP_RISK", "value": "" }, { "name": "ZZJIRA_ID", "value": "BIIMPL01-999" }, { "name": "ZZJIRA_URL", "value": "" } ], "cycleInfo": { "projectTitle": "Phase Cylce (IF_CONIGMA)", "releaseType": "I", "releaseTypeDescription": "Phase Cycle", "releaseCrmId": "8000000211", "tasklistId": "", "smiProject": "0000000021", "slanDesc": "G00 - Solution Manager", "sbraName": "Wartung", "goLiveDate": "2017-10-02", "goLiveTime": "00:00:00", "devStartDate": "2017-08-22", "devStartTime": "00:00:00", "devCloseDate": "2017-08-31", "devCloseTime": "00:00:00" }, "description": "Description", "dueDate": "2021-02-12", "dueTimestamp": "2021-02-12T08:13:33Z", "endDate": "2021-09-21", "endTimestamp": "2021-09-20T22:00:00Z", "externalId": "BIIMPL01-12", "externalIds": ["BIIMPL01-12"], "externalIdsCount": 1, "impact": "00", "impactText": "", "longtext": "This is the long text.", "objectGuid": "00155DF935011EDB98C13B600E6760E0", "objectId": "8000001760", "parentDescription": "", "parentObjectGuid": "00000000000000000000000000000000", "parentObjectId": "", "parentProcessType": "", "partner": [ { "partnerGuid": "00155DF935011EDB98C13B600E7220E0", "partnerNumber": "151", "partnerFct": "00000001", "partnerFctTxt": "Sold-To Party", "partnerMain": "X", "partnerName": "Mr. XXX", "partnerEmail": "XXX@XXX.de", "partnerLookup": "", "deletionFlag": "" }, { "partnerGuid": "00155DF935011EDB98C141D658A540E0", "partnerNumber": "151", "partnerFct": "SDCD0004", "partnerFctTxt": "Current Processor", "partnerMain": "X", "partnerName": "Mr. XXX", "partnerEmail": "XXX@XXX.de", "partnerLookup": "", "deletionFlag": "" }, { "partnerGuid": "00155DF935011EDB98C13B600E7140E0", "partnerNumber": "102", "partnerFct": "SDCR0001", "partnerFctTxt": "Requester", "partnerMain": "X", "partnerName": "Mr. YYY", "partnerEmail": "", "partnerLookup": "", "deletionFlag": "" }, { "partnerGuid": "00155DF935011EDB98C13B600E7260E0", "partnerNumber": "151", "partnerFct": "SDCR0002", "partnerFctTxt": "Change Manager", "partnerMain": "X", "partnerName": "Mr. XXX", "partnerEmail": "XXX@XXX.de", "partnerLookup": "", "deletionFlag": "" } ], "postingDate": "2021-01-29", "priority": "3", "priorityText": "3: Medium", "processType": "ZMCR", "requests": [], "requestsAsString": "", "standardFields": [ { "name": "/AICRM/EXT_TOKEN", "value": "TestValue" } ], "startDate": "2021-01-29", "startTimestamp": "2021-01-29T08:13:32Z", "texts": [ { "textId": "CR01", "text": "This is the long text." }, { "textId": "ZZ01", "text": "This is a technical problem description." }, { "textId": "ZZ02", "text": "This is an impact analysis." } ], "urgency": "00", "urgencyText": "", "userStatus": "E0015", "userStatusFinal": "", "userStatusProc": "ZMCRHEAD", "userStatusText": "Being Implemented" } |
Example Sample response for the "requests" node:
Code Block | ||
| ||
"requests": [ { "tasklist": "I000000011", "trorderNumber": "G00K900630", "text": "", "ctsId": "G00_P00005", "transportTrack": "TR000005", "sysName": "G00", "sysType": "ABAP", "sysClient": "100", "respUser": "DUMMY", "createdDate": "2021-01-28", "createdTime": "09:04:34", "releasedDate": null, "releasedTime": "00:00:00", "status": "@07@", "trfunction": "K", "originator": "S", "originatorId": "00155DF935011EDB98A7322BD3F5C0E0", "originatorKey": "8000001744", "trorderCopy": "", "projectName": "", "criticalObject": false, "abortExport": false, "csolConflict": false, "csolActivated": false, "tocNumber": "", "trfunctionText": "", "codeInspectChk": false, "tranpTargetChange": false, "openTask": false, "emptyRequest": false, "taskNumber": "", "statusText": "", "retrofitStatus": "", "collectionId": "" }, { "tasklist": "I000000011", "trorderNumber": "G00K900632", "text": "", "ctsId": "G00_P00005", "transportTrack": "TR000005", "sysName": "G00", "sysType": "ABAP", "sysClient": "100", "respUser": "DUMMY", "createdDate": "2021-01-28", "createdTime": "09:04:36", "releasedDate": null, "releasedTime": "00:00:00", "status": "@07@", "trfunction": "W", "originator": "S", "originatorId": "00155DF935011EDB98A7322BD3F5C0E0", "originatorKey": "8000001744", "trorderCopy": "", "projectName": "", "criticalObject": false, "abortExport": false, "csolConflict": false, "csolActivated": false, "tocNumber": "", "trfunctionText": "", "codeInspectChk": false, "tranpTargetChange": false, "openTask": false, "emptyRequest": false, "taskNumber": "", "statusText": "", "retrofitStatus": "", "collectionId": "" } ] |
GET /data/external_ids/{external_id}
The GET /data/external_ids/{external_id} endpoint returns the same information as the GET /data/objects/{object_id} endpoint , except that the object is determined by based on the linked External ID.
GET /data/objects/{object_id}/children
This endpoint returns provides all associated linked objects based on an object ID, for examplee.g., if the object ID corresponds to a change request ID, the endpoint returns provides information about the linked change documents.
Name | Type | Description |
parentGuid | Value | Globally unique Unique ID of the object whose linked documents were requested using the object ID. |
parentObjectId | Value | Object ID that corresponds corresponding to the object ID from the end pointendpoint. |
parentProcessType | Value | The transaction Document type of the object whose linked documents were requested using the object ID. |
totalChildren | Value | Number of linked objects. |
children | Array | List of objects with details of about the linked objects, see the table below. |
Tabular view of the information within inside the "children" array.
Name | Type | Description |
guid | Value | Globally unique Unique ID of the linked object. |
objectId | Value | Object ID of the linked object. |
processType | Value | The operation Document type of the linked object. |
description | Value | Short description of the linked object. |
userStatus | Value | Current status |
userStatusText | Value | The description Display text of the current status. |
userStatusFinal | Value | Flag ("X" = True, "" = False) indicating whether the current status can no longer be changed. |
Sample Response:
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "parentGuid": "00155DF935011EDB98C13B600E6760E0", "parentObjectId": "8000001760", "parentProcessType": "ZMCR", "totalChildren": 2, "children": [ { "guid": "00155DF935011EDB98C164809CF420E0", "objectId": "8000001761", "processType": "ZMMJ", "description": "Demo Change 1", "userStatus": "E0002", "userStatusText": "In Development", "userStatusFinal": "" }, { "guid": "00155DF935011EDB98C165411CA980E0", "objectId": "8000001762", "processType": "ZMMJ", "description": "Demo Change 2", "userStatus": "E0001", "userStatusText": "Created", "userStatusFinal": "" } ] } |
This endpoint returns identical information as the GET /data/objects/{object_id}/children endpoint , except with the difference that the parent object is determined using the External ID.
You can find the PPF actions in Customizing using transaction SPRO via the path "SAP “SAP Solution Manager à -> Capabilities (Optional) à -> Change Control Management à Operations à Actions à -> Transactions -> Actions -> Change Actions and Conditions à -> Define Action Profiles and Actions"Actions”. The action profile for ChaRM operations is usually <operation type>as follows <Transaction Type>_ACTIONS, for example, z. B. ZMCR_ACTIONS. Using Via the Customizing customizing path "SAP “SAP Solution Manager à -> Capabilities (Optional) à -> Change Control Management à Activities à Actions à -> Transactions -> Actions -> Assign Action Profile to Activity Type", you can also the Business Transaction Type” can additionally determine exactly what the action profile is for a particular activity transaction type.
The endpoint returns some information about the requested object ID and an array of PPF actions, which look like thisthe following.
Name | Type | Description |
actions | Array | This property returns a list with information about the PPF actions of the object. |
description | Value | Brief description Description of the object. |
externalID | Value | The assigned External ID of the object, if any. |
objectGuid | Value | The value contains the globally Globally unique ID of the object. |
objectId | Value | The object ID of the object. |
processType | Value | The operation transaction type of the object. |
The elements of the "actions" array contain the following information about PPF actions.
Name | Type | Description |
guid | Value | Globally unique ID of the PPF actions |
ttype | Value | PPF Action Name. |
ttypedescr | Value | The value contains the short description of the PPF action. |
context | Value | The associated action profile of the PPF action. |
executable | Value | Flag indicating whether the PPF action can be executed for the current object status. The value "X" corresponds to "True" and the value "" corresponds to "False". |
Name | Possible values | Description |
description | Any case-insensitive text. “*" and "%" can be used as replacement characters for pattern-based searches. | Object description |
only_active_status | "true" or "false" | Flag indicating whether only objects with a non-final status are to be returned. |
object_id | 10-digit object number. A pattern-based search is possible by specifying "*" or "%". | Object ID |
configuration_item | The configuration item as a string. A pattern-based search for the configuration item is not possible. | Configuration item |
product_id | The configuration item as a string. A pattern-based search for the configuration item is not possible. | Configuration item (alternative name) |
posting_date | Date in the form YYYY-MM-DD | Posting or creation date. |
object_type | The following fixed values are allowed: | Object type |
Name | Type | Description |
totalObjects | Value | Number of objects determined. |
objects | Array | Array with detailed information about the objects found objects. |
The objects from the array "objects" contain the following values.
Name | Type | Description |
guid | Value | The value contains the globally unique ID of the object. |
objectId | Value | The object ID of the object |
processType | Value | The corresponding operation associated transaction type of the object |
postingDate | Value | Date on which of creation of the object was created. |
description | Value | Property Object Description. |
userStatus | Value | Current status |
userStatusText | Value | Description Display text of the current status |
userStatusFinal | Value | Flag ("X" = True, "" = False) indicating whether the current status can no longer be changed. |
configItem | Value | Configuration elementitem. This value is not filled during change cycles. |
configItemText | Value | Description of the configuration elementitem. This value is not filled during change cycles. |
cycleId | Value | The object ID of the associated change cycle. This value is identical to objectId if the object corresponds to a change cycle. |
cycleText | Value | The description of the associated change cycle. This value is identical to description if the object corresponds to a change cycle. |
totalCycleConfigItems | Value | Number of configuration items if the object corresponds to a change cycle. |
cycleConfigItems | Array | List with associated configuration items .if the object corresponds to a change cycle |
The items from the cycleConfigItems field conform correspond to the following format:
Name | Type | Description |
configItem | Value | Configuration item. |
configItemText | Value | Description of the configuration item. |
Sample Response:
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "totalObjects": 1, "objects": [ { "guid": "00155DF935011ED7A690FB3043D0E0C4", "objectId": "8000000260", "processType": "ZMCR", "postingDate": "2017-09-13", "description": "Demo Change Request", "userStatus": "E0011", "userStatusText": "Extend Scope", "userStatusFinal": "", "configItem": "7100000111", "configItemText": "G00 0020168246 300", "cycleId": "8000000211", "cycleText": "Phase cycle (IF_CONIGMA)", "totalCycleConfigItems": 0, "cycleConfigItems": [] } ] } |
This endpoint can be used to create new objects in the Solution Manager. The endpoint also additionally accepts the query parameter "simulation" to simulate an installation the creation of an object. To simulate the creation of an installationobject, the parameter must be assigned either the value "True" or "X", e.g. "http(s)//: ... /data?simulation=True"
The request must contain at least one value for the process transaction type via the "processType" property in order to create an object.
The following object values are currently supported if they are contained included in the request.
The configuration item or IBase component is a JSON object named "configurationItem" with the properties "productId" for the configuration item and "textIbComp" for the description of the configuration item, where only the value for "productId" is relevant for the creation or modification.
Code Block | ||
| ||
"configurationItem": { "productId": "7100000111" } |
Custom fields
All customer custom fields that exist in table the CRMD_CUSTOMER_H table and begin with either ZZ or YY can be transferred passed when creating an object is created.
For example, if the custom field YYJIRA_URL should is to contain the URL of a linked Jira issueIssue, the following can be passed in the request. Basically, the The field name must be passed in lowercase in the object "customFields" object. If the name contains an underscore, the next letter after the underscore must be specified in upper case.
When assigning a change cycle, either its ID or the description of the cycle can be transferred passed via the JSON object "cycleInfo". The property "releaseCrmId" corresponds to the ID of the cycle and "projectTitle" corresponds to the description of the cycle.
If you want to assign a cycle with ID 8000000211 with description "Release 2022-3" to an object, you can supply either supply the ID or the description, provided that the description is unique.
The short description or title of the object can be passed via the property "description" property.
Code Block | ||
| ||
"description": "New financial document type \"KR\"" |
Multiple External IDs
If the assignment of several multiple external IDs is permitted allowed for certain transaction types, a set of external IDs can be transferred passed directly via the array property "externalIds".
The impact of a requirement, change or problem can be assigned via the "impact" property. Permissible values for the impact, can be found in table CRMC_SRQM_IMPACT.
The long text of an object can be assigned with the property "longtext" property. Since the associated text type depends on the transaction type and customer-specific text types may be used, a text type must be assigned in advance in the configuration of the add-on for each transaction type that is to be used as long text, see chapter X.X.
Code Block | ||
| ||
"longtext": "This is a detailed description for the requirement.\n Following changes has to be implemented:\n" |
Business Partner
Business partners relevant in the process can be assigned via the property "partner" property. The property is an array with objects, whereby at least the partner function "partnerFct" and a search text "partnerLookup" must be specified for an object. The search text works analogous to an entry of in the same way as entering a partner in the web frontend of the Solution Manager and, for example, the number or the last name of the partner can be specified. It is also possible to implement customer-specific mapping rules for business partners.
Note Please note that the partner function depends on the transaction type. You can find the The available partner functions for an activity type a transaction type can be found in table AIC_PARTNER_FCT. In the following example, the role "Requester" is assigned to business partner 151 and the role "Change Manager" is assigned to business partner 102.
Code Block | ||
| ||
"partner": [ { "partnerFct": "SDCR0001", "partnerLookup": "151" }, { "partnerFct": "SDCR0002", "partnerLookup": "102" } ] |
The Using the Cycles endpoint, information about change cycles can be used to retrieve change cycle information retrieved from Solution Manager.
GET /cycles
Name | Type | Description |
totalObjects | Value | Number of change cycles determined. |
objects | Array | Array with detailed information about the change cycles. |
The objects from the array "objects" contain the following values.
Name | Type | Description |
guid | Value | The value contains the globally unique ID of the object. |
objectId | Value | The object ID of the object |
processType | Value | The corresponding operation associated transaction type of the object |
postingDate | Value | Date on which of creation of the object was created. |
description | ValueProperty | Description.Object description |
userStatus | Value | Current status |
userStatusText | Value | Description Display text of the current status |
userStatusFinal | Value | Flag ("X" = True, "" = False) indicating whether the current status can no longer be changed. |
configItem | Value | Configuration elementitem. This value is not filled during change cycles. |
configItemText | Value | Description of the configuration elementitem. This value is not filled during change cycles. |
cycleId | Value | The object ID of the associated change cycle. This value is identical to objectId if the object corresponds to a change cycle. |
cycleText | Value | The description of the associated change cycle. This value is identical to description if the object corresponds to a change cycle. |
totalCycleConfigItems | Value | Number of configuration items if the object corresponds to a change cycle. |
cycleConfigItems | Array | List with associated configuration items .if the object corresponds to a change cycle |
The items from the cycleConfigItems field conform correspond to the following format:
Name | Type | Description |
configItem | Value | Configuration elementitem |
configItemText | Value | Description of the configuration item. |
This endpoint returns all change cycles that may be used for a specific document type, e.g., SMCR. The response is structured identically to the response of the GET /cycles endpoint.
Endpoint “Partner”
Using the "Partner
The Partner endpoint can be used to retrieve business partner information " endpoint, information on business partners can be retrieved from Solution Manager.
GET /data/partner?email={emailAddress)
This endpoint provides detailed information about a business partner based on their the email address from Solution Manager in the return field "partner" return field.
Name | Type | Description |
number | Value | Business partner number |
guid | Value | Unique GUID of the business partner. |
firstname | Value | First name of the business partner. |
lastname | Value | Last name of the business partner. |
Value | E-mail address of the business partner. | |
validFrom | Value | Valid-from date of the business partner. |
validTo | Value | Valid-to date of the business partner. |
Sample Response:
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "partner": { "number": "0000000151", "guid": "00155DF935011ED7A5DA18356AC4E0C4", "firstname": "Frank", "lastname": "Dummy", "email": "frank.dummy@dummy.de", "validFrom": "0001-01-01", "validTo": "9999-12-31" } } |
The "Ping" endpoint is used to test connections.
This endpoint is mainly used for testing connections and returns the following information about the called SAP system and contains includes the following fields.
Name | Type | Description |
serverInfo | Object | Information on the SAP Server |
systemTime | Value | Current system time |
Name | Type | Description |
name | Value | Application Server Name.Instance |
host | Value | Name of the host server |
serv | Value | Service |
msgtypes | Value | Services of the SAP Application Server Instance |
hostadr | Value | Host IP address |
servno | Value | Port number of the service |
state | Value | Server status |
hostnamelong | ValueName | of the host serverHost name |
hostaddrV4Str | Value | IPv4 address |
hostaddrV6Str | Value | IPv6 address |
sysservervice0 | Value | Registered System Services Registered on Message Server |
sysservervice1 | Value | Registered System Services Registered on Message Server |
sysservervice2 | Value | Registered System Services Registered on Message Server |
sysservervice3 | Value | Registered System Services Registered on Message Server |
Sample Response:
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "serverInfo": { "name": "GAL-MCH-116_G00_00", "host": "GAL-MCH-116", "serv": "sapdp00", "msgtypes": "BB", "hostadr": "C0A80174", "servno": "0C80", "state": "01", "hostnamelong": "GAL-MCH-116", "hostaddrV4Str": "", "hostaddrV6Str": "", "sysservice0": "80", "sysservice1": "00", "sysservice2": "00", "sysservice3": "00" }, "systemTime": "2021-06-04T09:14:45.159Z" } |
This endpoint can be used to request contents from Via this endpoint, contents of "any" SAP tables . The can be requested. However, the tables whose contents may be read must , however, be specified beforehand via the configuration program /GAL/SM_API_CONFIG.
GET /tables/{table_name}
This endpoint is the base basic endpoint for resolving to resolve contents of SAP tables. The endpoint has the following variations to specify up to 4 filter criteria. As a filter option , only the check for equality or for a pattern is currently supported. If a pattern check is to be performed, the replacement substitution characters "*" and "%" can be specified.
The following endpoint variants exist:.
/tables/{table_name}/filter/column/{filter_column}/value/{filter_value} |
/tables/{table_name}/filter/column/{filter_column}/value/{filter_value}/column2/{filter_column2}/value2/{filter_value2} |
/tables/{table_name}/filter/column/{filter_column}/value/{filter_value}/column2/{filter_column2}/value2/{filter_value2}/column3/{filter_column3}/value3/{filter_value3} |
/tables/{table_name}/filter/column/{filter_column}/value/{filter_value}/column2/{filter_column2}/value2/{filter_value2}/column3/{filter_column3}/value3/{filter_value3}/column4/{filter_column4}/value4/{filter_value4} |
If the specified table exists and is allowed to be read via the endpoint, the return contains will contain the following two fields.
Name | Type | Description |
totalRecords | Value | Number of records read. |
records | Array | Array of the read records, where the field names correspond to the column names of the table (in Camel Case). |
Sample Response:
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "totalRecords": 1, "records": [ { "mandt": "100", "productId": "7100000111", "configItem": "AS-SAP-SOLMAN", "gxpClass": "GXP", "processTeam": "Defect Mngmt. 7.2", "scrReviewerDl": "" } ] } |