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Table of Contents


The Connect Server requires .NET 5.0 (with ASP.NET Core) from patch level 5.0.4 as runtime environment. This can be downloaded via the following link:


Make sure that the Connect runtime environment can communicate with all participating peripheral systems via http or https.

Installation on Windows

Installation as console application

Installing the Runtime Environment

Download the latest "Hosting Bundle" for the ASP.NET Core 5.0 runtime environment and run the installer. The download is provided by Microsoft at the following link:


Installing the Connect Server

Extract the ZIP archive containing the Connect Server to a folder.

Configuration of the Connect Server

The Connect Server is delivered with a ready-to-run configuration. The integrated web ­server is available on port 80 after startup and responds to HTTP requests. For more information on customizing the configuration, please refer to the Configuration chapter.

Starting the Connect Server

Open a shell (cmd), change to the folder with the Connect Server and start the executable file named "GalileoGroup.Connect.Server.Backend.exe".

Stopping the Connect Server

Activate the console window and stop the Connect Server by pressing Ctrl + C or close the Connect Server console window.

Installation as Windows service

Installing the Runtime Environment

Download the latest "Hosting Bundle" for the ASP.NET Core 5.0 runtime environment and run the installer. The download is provided by Microsoft at the following link:


Installing the Connect Server

Extract the provided ZIP archive with the Connect Server to a folder (e.g., "C:\Program Files\GalileoGroup\Connect").

Creating a local user to run the service

To create the local user, enter the following commands in a PowerShell with administrator privileges:


$accountName = "ConnectService"
$fullPath = "C:\Program Files\GalileoGroup\Connect"
$User = Get-LocalUser -Name $accountName

if($User -ne $Null) {
$acl = Get-Acl $fullPath -ea Stop

$FileSystemRights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]"Modify"
$AccessControlType = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]::Allow
$InheritanceFlags = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]"ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit"
$PropagationFlags = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]"InheritOnly"

$AccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule ($User.SID, $FileSystemRights, $InheritanceFlags, $PropagationFlags, $AccessControlType)

Set-Acl -Path $fullPath -AclObject $acl -ea Stop

Write-Host ("Permission granted at {0}" -f $fullPath)

Registering the Connect Server as a Windows Service

Registration can also be accomplished using PowerShell. Here is an example which can be used as a template:

New-Service -Name ConnectServer
-BinaryPathName "C:\Program Files\GalileoGroup\Connect\GalileoGroup.Connect.Server.Backend.exe".
-Credential MYHOST\ConnectService -Description "Connect Server Service"
-DisplayName "Connect Server" -StartupType Manual

Deregistering the Windows Service

If you want to remove the Windows service, you can do this with the following command in a shell with administrator privileges (please replace “<ServiceName>” with the name of the desired service):

sc delete <ServiceName>

Connect Server Configuration

The Connect Server is delivered with a ready-to-run configuration. The integrated ­web server is available on port 80 after startup and responds to HTTP requests. For more information on customizing the configuration, please refer to the Configuration ­chapter.

Installation as IIS Website

Installing the Runtime Environment

Download the latest "Hosting Bundle" for the ASP.NET Core 5.0 runtime environment and run the installer. The download is provided by Microsoft at the following link:


During installation, please note that the Connect Server provides its frontend as a WebAssembly and therefore requires some environment-specific configuration adjustments. Please discuss the exact procedure with our support team.

Installation on Linux

Preparations for CentOS

Since CentOS does not have the library for developing international Unicode components installed by default, you may have to install it manually. Proceed as follows:

sudo yum install libicu

Preparations for Debian

Since Debian does not have the library for developing international Unicode components and curl installed by default, you may have to install them manually. Proceed as follows:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libicu-dev
sudo apt install curl

Creating the user

It is recommended to create a separate user for the execution of the Connect Server.



sudo useradd -m $CONNECT_USER
sudo passwd $CONNECT_USER

Installing the ASP.NET Core 5.0 Runtime

The installation can be done either via a package manager (global) or via the installation script provided by Microsoft.


Information about the installation script used can be found at the following link:


Installing the Connect Server

To install the Connect Server, copy the Connect Server archive and the custom configuration archive to the home directory of the user you created for Connect. Follow the steps below to install the software (replace the name config.tar.gz highlighted in blue) with the name of the archive of configuration data provided for your use:



mkdir -p "$CONNECT_ROOT"



Connect Server Configuration

The Connect Server is delivered with a ready-to-run configuration. The integrated ­web server is available on port 80 after startup and responds to HTTP requests. For more information on customizing the configuration, please refer to the Configuration ­chapter.

Starting the Connect Server in foreground

To start the Connect Server in the foreground, proceed as follows:




"$DOTNET_ROOT/dotnet" GalileoGroup.Connect.Server.Backend.dll

Starting the Connect Server in background

To start the Connect Server in the background, proceed as follows:


We recommend creating a script for this action. You can find corresponding templates in the Scripts/Templates folder.

Stopping the Connect Server

To stop a Connect Server running in the foreground, press Ctrl + C.


We recommend creating a script for this action. You can find corresponding templates in the Scripts/Templates folder.

Installation using Docker

The Connect Server can run in Docker. On Windows, only the "modern" Docker variant (Docker with WSL2) is supported. We recommend using the portable .NET assembly package, since the platform-specific variants of the Connect Server are not explicitly tested for operation with Docker.
